General information

WeeboChange collects personally identifiable information to provide convenient site navigation when the User revisits it. Personal information includes information that is used for personal identification. For more information, please read the privacy policy provided.

Data recording

The data on our resource is processed by specialists of the technical department of the website in accordance with the rules established by this Policy.

How do we register user data?

The Company collects data that the User provides voluntarily. In particular, this applies to contact information.

The rest of the information is recorded by default by our IT systems or after we have obtained consent to collect it when you visit the website. Such data contains important technical information (for example, the time of visiting our resource). Such information is captured automatically as soon as the user enters the website.

For what purposes do we use user data?

There is information that is collected to ensure a trouble-free service to the website. The rest of the information is used to study specific models.

What rights does the user have?

The user can at any time get acquainted with information about the online source, the features of archiving personal data without charging an additional fee. Also, the user has the right to demand updating (destruction) of his data. If consent has been given to the processing of data, then at any time such consent can be withdrawn, which directly affects the future processing of personal data. Moreover, the User has the right to demand that the processing of personal data be carried out under certain circumstances, including the possibility of filing a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority.

The client can contact us at any time if they have any questions on a topic related to the protection of personal data.

Information provided by third parties

There are cases when, when visiting our web resource, a statistical analysis of the main actions when browsing online pages is carried out. This analysis is carried out using analysis programs that belong to the category of analytical.

Data protection

Our employees take the protection of personal data seriously. The use of personal information is subject to confidentiality and in accordance with the rules enshrined at the legislative level.

When using our website, various personal data is collected. These include information used for identification. The Privacy Policy sets out what information we collect and for what purposes we use it.

We acknowledge that data transmission over a local network may have security flaws. We are 100% unable to protect data from access by third parties and fraudsters.

Information about user data (correction and deletion)

The user has the right at any time to request information about archived personal data, the source and addressee, and the purposes of processing. The client has the right to change or destroy his data. The user can specify this on an individual basis.

Right to demand restriction of processing

The user of our resource has the right to demand restrictions on the processing of personal data. To do this, just contact him at any time. You can use this right in the following cases:

If the User has restricted the processing of identifiable data, then such data (except for their archiving) is processed with the consent or a submitted request in the framework of upholding the legal rights (their protection) by individuals or legal entities, as well as for other socially important reasons.